Free CV check: what does the recruiter look for in your resume?
Our free CV review service will help you to understand what employers pay attention to upon a resume
30 seconds is an average time that is needed for an HR manager to look through the applicant’s resume and make the main conclusion, is it worth reading thoughtfully or not. At the same time, each recruiter uses his own methodology for evaluating the candidate and focuses on different aspects, depending on the requirements of the vacancy, the employer’s demand. But there are certain points the recruiter will necessarily pay attention to. found out what those points are, and why they are so important. We arranged them in descending order.
- Cover Letter
Yes, the cover letter is not a resume. But this is the first thing that the recruiting manager sees, receiving a response to the vacancy. And you need to make it informative so that the employer wants to consider your candidacy.
Some candidates write a template text and send it to everyone, changing the name of the company and the position. Others limit themselves to the phrase “Resume is attached, and I will be happy to receive any response.” Others are convinced that no one is reading the “cover letter”, and they do not write anything at all. For some reason, applicants underestimate the strength of this important document, but meanwhile, many employers do not even look at the resume without a “cover letter”.
Do not use a template. Write a cover letter on your own. Especially it is necessary for young professionals who do not have enough work experience. It is even more important for them to show that they are familiar with the company and the job offer, to state why the employer should choose them. Mention what are the personal qualities that will be useful for the future employer.
- Work experience
This must be the main selection criteria for the candidates. It is estimated by several characteristics.
- The last place of work and the position. These characteristics show the professional level of the candidate, the acquired skills and practical experience of the applicant. According to these features, HR determines whether the candidate’s specialization corresponds to the vacancy requirements in a few seconds.
Properly describe your experience and it will work for you soon. Do not limit yourself to listing positions. In the most detail, present not only your duties but also achievements, concrete projects that were put into action by you.
- Overall experience. It includes career growth, increases in the level of responsibility, the correspondence of the title of the position to the duties performed, the length of employment in one company.
40 seconds is an average time that the HR manager needs to look through your resume briefly. If the applicant is not serious and has recently changed 6 places of work, then he risks not to go through the evaluation stage. Frequent change of the place of work is a kind of a bad sign for the employer.
Of course, there are some exceptions. The reasons for leaving can be justified and not depend on the candidate, for example, redundancy.
- So-called “Blank spots” on your resume. As a rule, recruiters are receptive to the change of place of work and pauses in the career. But it is important for them to know the reason why it happened, and what was the applicant doing during the unemployment. Be ready to explain the reason for your period of unemployment.
IMPORTANT! The experience described in your document should be relevant to the requirements of the job you are applying for. That is why it is necessary to look through the job offer carefully before you send your resume to the HR. Also, do not send your resume to all employers at the same time counting on a miracle. If you are interested in several positions in different companies, write a separate resume for each offer.
- Education
Of course, your experience is an integral part of your resume, but the education is no less important. It plays an important role in the applicants’ selection, for example, the candidates for top positions, of narrowly specialized experts, teachers, lawyers, design engineers, etc. Of course, it all depends on the experience and skills of the. Be sure that it is possible to get a job without higher education diploma.
- Hobbies
Curiously enough, but your hobby attracts the attention of a recruiter as much as your education or experience. It allows becoming aware of the applicant as a person, not as a specialist. Also, it helps to understand whether this person will blend into the team or not. Employers who develop teamwork and company culture, hobbies of employees are of great importance. In addition, this information partly answers the question of how hobbies can affect employee’s efficiency in the future.
- Literacy
It’s black and white. An applicant should write a resume, check it and send off. However, some employees do not edit their documents. The fact that the candidate did not proofread the content of the resume before sending may scare off an employer.
If you want to make sure that your resume is written correctly, read about 8 most common mistakes on the resume and avoid it in your document.
What do recruiters not pay attention to?
– Your photo. Of course, there are some exceptions if the company is looking for a model or a person with nice appearance.
– Resume formatting. The main rule is to keep your resume clean and clear. Do not try to improve your CV by using different fonts. It will not impress the recruiter. It is better to use free CV check to make sure that your formatting is acceptable.
– Additional education. Courses, training, seminars will give benefits to the competitor, but it does not guarantee that you will be employed.
After reading the resume and a phone call, HR manager is 80% sure, whether the candidate will blend into the team or not. Therefore, pay special attention to the phone interview and be polite. hopes that this article will be useful for those who are in search of work. If you think about career growth, these pieces of advice will help you revise the format of your professional resume or CV, and make it flawless. Moreover, our company offers free CV check for students and people who do not have much professional experience. Just drop us a line “check my resume for free” and we will help you!